I have realised that even though I'm not that keen for winter to start and summer to end, I'm enjoying the rain that we have had lately. I've always been a summer person; mind you my post pregnancy body with be thankful for a few more layers of clothing! Today had been the perfect day to sit at home on the couch watching TV, reading my book and drinking lots of teas. My little one played around me and even slept a solid two hours for me so I could do a lot of procrastinating.

I've always loved books and I'm a sucker for a good supernatural book, My husband calls them vampire porn... mind you he has never read one so what does he know? I'm currently reading the Book 22
Affliction by Laurall K Hamilton. I have read all her previous books and even though in my opinion she should end the series now, I still have to find out what will happen next with Anita Blake. You can buy the whole series through
Amazon and if you do like those sort of books I recommend The Black Dagger Brotherhood by J.R. Ward, also available through
Amazon. The Brotherhood series is one of the best of its genre in my opinion and I love J.R. Wards style of writing.
Anyway I have gone off on a tangent but that is what lazy Sundays are all about...enjoy xx
must admit, the beetle outfit was from saturday not sunday!