Monday, 5 May 2014

Mini quiches - pastry free

These are like SUPER EASY and glutton free and delicious and high in protein and can be frozen and then defrosted.. sounds good ha? anyway here is the super easy recipe. You will need a muffin tray and the recipe makes about 6. Lovely for lunch for you and your little one (as long as there is no egg allergy).


2 eggs
splash of milk (about 50ml)
zucchini, half and graded using a grader
handful frozen peas
2 slices of ham (any variety you might like) chopped finely
handful of Parmesan cheese (or any cheese that you have in your fridge)
oil to grease the muffin tray
salt and pepper to taste


  • Preheat oven to 180 Degrees Celsius and grease the muffin tray with oil
  • In a pouring bowl crack the two eggs and using a fork beat them for half a minute. Add the splash of milk and stir the mixture
  • Now its time to arrange; on the muffin tray spread the ham, zucchini and peas evenly among the 6 holes (you can also use a different variety of fillings, fun to experiment!); on top sprinkle the Parmesan cheese; using the pouring bowl, pour the egg mixture evenly between the 6 holes making sure all ingredients are covered. If some poke out use a fork to push it all down
  • Once all ingredients are covered, bake in the oven for 10 to 15 minutes checking to see that the top is nice and brown before removing. The quiches will collapse after being removed from the oven.
Salt and Pepper to taste and serve with a nice crisp salad, Enjoy xx

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