Saturday, 24 January 2015

my love of sugar #healthyme

Everyone that knows me knows that I can consume a huge amount of sugar mostly in the form of chocolate, ice cream, lollies and pastry. It is my big downfall and I have spent my life trying out versions of moderation which never work. It is a big reason why shifting weight is so hard for me and this year I have decided to do something about it.

So, every year in January I make this resolution (mostly quietly to myself) that I will go on a diet and lose weight and I have tried EVERY diet out there! All the various detoxes, the low carb diets (including Dukan, Body Trim and Atkins), and the more calorie controlled ones like Weight Watchers and Light and Easy etc etc....

Since becoming a mother my perspective has changed drastically and I realised that I don't want to go on 'diets' anymore. I don't want my daughter to think that going on 'diets' is a norm and that her mother might have a body issue. That is not the lessons that I want to teach her so I have decided that instead of concentrating on dieting I will just try to be healthy. But being 'healthy' is so much harder to do than to say and it made me evaluate the habits that I need to change in order to achieve this.

I have decided that the first thing that needs to change is my sugar addiction, I need to kick it in the butt! Being lost at how to go about it I picked up and read Sarah Wilsons 'I quit Sugar' book which introduces the 8 week program to quit your sugar addiction for good. Sarah makes it sound easy but I don't think it will be that easy for me to do since hubby also likes his sugar and I'm not planning to deprive my little girl of fruit. But it needs to be done so this is the week for me to start. If anyone else is interested in the program it had just started and the link to it can be found here.

So this is my first step to the new 'healthier' me, now just need to organise an exercise regime that I can actually stick to and I'm done!


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